Home > Intricate, transparent pink flower sculpture with lighting contrast

Intricate, transparent pink flower sculpture with lighting contrast Transparent PNG

This is a 3D model of a large, pink flower with multiple layers of petals and a vase-like shape. It has a glossy surface and is surrounded by some smaller pink petals and leaves. It appears to be made of transparent or translucent material and is lit from the side to give it an interesting appearance. The flower is set against a black background to give it more depth and contrast. This image looks quite stunning and intricate. It has a lot of detail, with each petal being distinctly separate from the next. The texture of the petals is quite interesting, giving the impression that they are made of delicate material. The use of transparency and lighting creates a beautiful effect that draws the eye in and makes the flower stand out. Overall, it's a very impressive piece of work.

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3644x3952 / 9.33 MB
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File Specifications:
  • Resolution: 3644*3952
  • Name:Intricate, transparent pink flower sculpture with lighting contrast
  • License: Personal Use
  • File Format: png
  • File Size: 9.33 MB

This transparent Intricate, transparent pink flower sculpture with lighting contrast - Ruby Flower, 3D Flower Model, Pink Flower Design, Transparent Petals, Intricate Floral Design, Glossy Surface, Stunning 3D Modeling, Detailed Petal Texture, Flower Vase Shape, Translucent Material, Sidelit Flower Model png image is uploaded by for personal projects or designs.

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