Home > Cozy window with plants, serene atmosphere

Cozy window with plants, serene atmosphere Transparent PNG

The image shows a window with potted plants in front of it. There are two windows on the house, one with a wooden frame and the other with a plastic frame. They both have some greenery growing on their sills. The brick wall behind the window is covered with ivy, and there is a small patch of grass on the ground outside of the building. The window in the middle is the main focus of the image. It has a blueish tint and the curtains are closed. The plants on the sill are also closed and not visible from the outside. The image appears to be a still shot of a small garden or terrace area of a house. It has a warm and cozy feel to it, with the window providing natural lighting to the plants inside. The overall color scheme is dark and subdued, with the brick wall providing a neutral background color and the ivy giving the impression of a natural environment. Overall, the image gives a sense of intimacy and serenity, with the plants and window providing a peaceful atmosphere to the viewer.

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File Specifications:
  • Resolution: 3672*3980
  • Name:Cozy window with plants, serene atmosphere
  • License: Personal Use
  • File Format: png
  • File Size: 7.43 MB

This transparent Cozy window with plants, serene atmosphere - Home Window, Window Plants, Potted Plants, House Garden, Ivy Covered Wall, Cozy Atmosphere, Natural Lighting, Wooden Frame Window, Blue Tint Window, Small Terrace, Brick Wall Garden png image is uploaded by for personal projects or designs.

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